Group 1 Junior Class

5 Students

Description :
Meet Date Lesson Student Name
Adrian Alexa Citra Mita
1 25 May 2023 Operasi Hitung Pecahan S H H H
2 28 May 2023 Pembagian H H H H
3 30 May 2023 Bilangan Cacah Besar H S H H
4 4 June 2023 Garis dan Sudut H S H H
5 5 June 2023 Segi empat tegak lurus H H H H
6 8 June 2023 Macam macam bangun ruang I H H A
7 Not yet Seted click to add H H H H
8 Not yet Seted click to add H H H H
9 Not yet Seted click to add H H H H
10 Not yet Seted click to add H H H H
11 Not yet Seted click to add H H H H
12 Not yet Seted click to add H H H H

My Students

No Name Date and Birth Class Address Parent's Number Action